High School Scholarship (Number of Scholarship Recipients: One) 【Eligible Students】 Students enrolled in schools equivalent to high schools in European countries that are established in Japan (No nationality requirements) 【Term of Benefits】 During the minimum period for graduation.
College Scholarship (Number of Scholarship Recipients: Two) 【Eligible Students】 Students who are graduates of schools equivalent to high schools in European countries that are established in Japan: and attend: ・a Japanese college, university or professional graduate school; or ・a preparatory school to enter a Japanese college, university or professional graduate school; or ・a preparatory school to obtain a qualification as an attorney-at-law or patent attorney. (No nationality requirements) 【Term of Benefits】 During the minimum period for graduation (however, the term of benefits for students enrolled in a preparatory school shall be three years at maximum, and they may reapply).
Working Adult Scholarship (Number of Scholarship Recipients: One) 【Eligible Person】 A person who has graduated from a European or Japanese University and is currently working in Japan: and attend: ・a preparatory school to obtain a qualification as an attorney-at-law or patent attorney. (No nationality requirements) 【Term of Benefits】 For a person attending a preparatory school, the term of benefit shall be three years at maximum, and they may reapply.
給付額 / Amount of Benefits 月額5万~10万円(返済不要型) 各奨学生の経済状況や就学等に要する費用に応じて、上記の範囲で、理事会が給付金額を決定します。
JPY50,000 – JPY100,000 per month (No need for refund). The Board of Directors will decide the amount of grant considering the financial circumstances and expenses for school of each scholarship recipient.
選考プロセス・スケジュール / Scheduled Selection Process and Timeline
選考プロセス Selection process
高校生奨学金 High School Scholarship
大学生等奨学金 College Scholarship
社会人等奨学金 Working Adult Scholarship
応募期間 Solicitation Period
9月-10月 September – October
4月-5月 April – May
通年 Throughout the year
第一次審査(理事会による書類審査) First-round Selection (document review by the Board of Directors)
10月-11月 October – November
5月-6月 May – June
通年 Throughout the year
第二次審査(理事会による面接) Second-round Selection (interviews by the Board of Directors)
12月-1月 December – January
7月-8月 July – August
通年 Throughout the year
理事会による最終決定 Final decision of the scholarship recipients by the Board of Directors
For a scholarship which scholarship recipient has received a scholarship award in a previous year and will continue to receive scholarship awards in the current year, the solicitation to the group which such scholarship recipient belongs will be made on the basis that the number of such recipient will be deducted.
選考基準 / Selection Standards
高校生・大学生 / High School and College Students: ・学業意欲旺盛、品行方正でありながら、経済的理由により学業の継続が困難と認められるもの Those who are academically motivated and have good conduct, but are recognized as having difficulty continuing their studies due to financial reasons
社会人 / Working Adults: ・日本の弁護士又は弁理士資格取得意欲旺盛、品行方正でありながら、経済的理由により予備校へ通い続けることが困難と認められるもの Those who are motivated to become a Japanese Attorney at Law or Japanese patent Attorney and have good conduct, but are recognized as having difficulty in continuing to study at a preparatory school due to financial reasons
高校生・大学生、社会人共通 / High School and College Students as well as Working Adults ・複数の言語を操り、複数の文化を理解・実践できる日本の弁護士又は弁理士を志すもの Those who are fluent in multiple languages, able to understand and practice in multiple cultures, and aspire to become Japanese attorneys-at-law or patent attorneys
・Entry Sheet (which form will be uploaded on the terms of solicitation for the relevant scholarship) ・Latest transcript of grades (Working adults should provide the educational background) ・Short essay titled “The path you want to take in the future and how to achieve that future” (in Japanese) (any number of characters) ・Proof of income (e.g. copy of withholding certificate, annuity certificate or tax return) ・Consent letter regarding handling personal information (which form will be uploaded on the terms of solicitation for the relevant scholarship)
その他支援 / Supporting Activities Incidental to Scholarships
・弁護士又は弁理士資格者によるこれら資格取得のための勉強方法の相談 Consulting with attorneys-at-law or patent attorneys regarding study methods for those qualifications ・将来に関する進路指導 Counseling on future career paths ・奨学生交流会(毎年1回、11月頃予定) Holding scholarship student exchange meetings (to be held around November of each year)
奨学生による成果報告等/Duties of Scholarship Recipients
給付期間中 During Term of Benefits
給付期間終了後 After Termination of Term of Benefits
・成績表の提出 Submit their school grade transcripts ・奨学生交流会(毎年1回、11月頃予定)への出席 Attend scholarship student exchange meetings (to be held around November of each year)
・弁護士又は弁理士資格取得後における、奨学生に対するゼミ等の開催(週1回程度、オンラインも可) If the scholarship recipient passes the examination for attorneys-at-law or patent attorneys, hold study groups or seminars to teach study methods and/or know-how (on a weekly basis, remote attendance is possible) ・奨学生交流会(毎年1回、11月頃予定)への出席 Attend scholarship student exchange meetings (to be held around November of each year)
The terms of each scholarship, including but not limited to selection timeline and selection documents, may be changed. Please check the latest terms of solicitation for the relevant scholarship program before you make an entry.