Our Aim
“Support students who, in the future, will serve as a bridge between Japan and European countries as a Japanese attorney and/or patent attorney in Japan.”
The Heinessen Multicultural Support Foundation (the “Foundation”) aims to provide financial and psychological support to students educated in Japan who are fluent in Japanese as well as the European languages and who have a deep understanding of Japanese and European cultures, which would allow them to devote themselves enthusiastically to their studies in Japan without any obstacles due to family circumstances or financial reasons. The Foundation aims to provide financial and psychological support to such students so that they can freely decide their future path in Japan based on their own ability and aptitude.
In particular, the Foundation aims to support such students to become qualified Japanese attorneys or patent attorneys, continue to work in Japan and eventually serve as a bridge between Japan and European countries, making use of their qualifications and their understanding and ability of multiple languages and cultures.
The Foundation hopes that through our support of students who in the future will serve as a bridge between Japan and European countries, we can contribute to the further development of trade and cultural exchange between Japan and European countries, improve the quality of legal support for Europeans and European companies, and develop and promote multiculturalism in Japan.
The Foundation hopes that the scholarship recipients will play an active part in Japan as Japanese attorneys or patent attorneys, making the most of their backgrounds and being strongly aware of their responsibilities as members of a democratic state, and will contribute to the development of freedom, democracy, and peace.